

Atem is a decentralized content creation protocol, we aim at helping creators tokenize their content and build web3 native communities via NFTs. Utilizing Atem Protocol, we built web3 community social platform AtemChat, and web3 review sharing platform AtemReview to help creators build connections with their communities, and create exclusive token-gated experience.

Currently, AtemChat has attracted over 30k users, created over 7,000 NFT groups. AtemReview has attracted over 200k users, created over 400k content on Arweave, generated over 2.5M interactions, and reached over 10k DAU. Previously, we have also hosted “Infinity Gems” Campaign for Web3 creators and fans, over 30k addresses have joined, and over 130k Infinity Gems have been minted on BNB Chain.


What is Web3?

Web3 is the decentralized web where blockchain technology is the foundation protocol such that users are in control of their data and identity. It is also known as the "aligned web". By allowing users to own their data, the network effect no longer belongs to platforms, but rather, is returned to users. Under the context of web3, developers can focus on improving user experience and getting access to users with the help of an open network rather than acquiring users first, users can enjoy the services from multiple developers rather than being controlled by a single platform.

What is decentralized creator economy?

Previously, the creator economy is mainly controlled by the platform, where content and connection of creators are stored in a centralized platform. The platform can decide what users can see, and how they take the profit from creators. By storing content and connection on a decentralized protocol, creators can create direct connections with their fans, and the platform has switched from the controller to the service provider. Based on this paradigm shift, a decentralized creator economy can be built, where creators can focus on creating content directly for their fans, and monetize their content and influence without platforms. Atem Network is the first decentralized content creation protocol that puts creator rights and composability first.

Why NFT?

Non-fungible token (NFT) refers to “unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated”.

We believe NFT is a perfect way to prove the intellectual property for content due to its composability and non-fungible nature. Creators can easily claim their right to certain content by minting the content into NFTs, and can monetize their content by allowing fans to collect content NFTs. Creators can also launch creator membership NFTs to build their web3 native communities, fans can build connections directly with creators via on-chain protocol without the platform, and different platforms can build web3 native interaction around such connections, which can unlock the full potential of web3 native communities.

Problems with the current content creator ecosystem

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